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教师节 Teachers' Day

时间:2016-08-29 15:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
Now September is coming, it is known to all that there will be an important day for the teachers, Teachers Day is on September 10th, it is a day to show honor to the teachers. As a student, I will always make some plans for that day, I wan
  Now September is coming, it is known to all that there will be an important day for the teachers, Teachers' Day is on September 10th, it is a day to show honor to the teachers. As a student, I will always make some plans for that day, I want to show my gratitude to my teachers, for they have taught me so much, they not only teach me knowledge on the books, but also show me how to be a nice person. What they teach me will lead me move on all the time. I will write a card to them, because students don't earn money, so I won't waste so much money to buy things, what's more, my teachers will know my sincere.
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