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幸福是一种选择Happiness Is a Choice

时间:2016-05-13 14:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
你幸福吗?你还记得你幸福的时光吗?你在寻找幸福吗? 许多人已经找到了各种各样的幸福之源。有人把他们的心投入工作,有太多人求助于毒品和酒精。同时,不计其数的则在拥有名贵的汽车,异国情调的(异国的)的度假别墅和其他流行的玩具。他们的大部分努力都
  Happiness Is a Choice
  Are you happy?Do you remember a time when you were happy? Are you seeking happiness today?
  Many have sought a variety of sources for their feelings of happiness.Some have put their hearts and efforts into their work.Too many have turned to drugs and alcohol.Meanwhile, untold numbers have looked for it in the possession of expensive cars, exotic (异国的) vacation homes and other popular "toys". Most of their efforts have a root in one common fact:people are looking for a lasting source of happiness.
  Unfortunately, I believe that happiness escapes from many people because they misunderstand the journey of finding it.I have heard many people say that, "I'll be happy when I get my new promotion. or I'll be happy when I lose that extra 20 pounds." It is dangerous because it accepts that happiness is a "response" to having, being or doing something.
  In life, we all experience stimulus (激励) and response.Today, some people think that an expensive car is a stimulus, and happiness is a response;a great paying job is a stimulus, and happiness is a response;a loving relationship is a stimulus, and happiness is a response.This belief leaves us the thinking and feeling:"I'll be happy when..."It has been my finding that actually the opposite is true.I believe that happiness is a stimulus and a response is what life brings to those who are truly happy.When we are happy, we tend to have more success in our work.When we are happy, people want to be around us and enjoy loving relationships.When we are happy, we more naturally take better care of our bodies and enjoy good health.Happiness is not a response but a stimulus.
  Happiness is a conscious choice we make every day of our lives.For unknown reason to me, many choose to be painful, unsuccessful and angry most of the time.Happiness is not something that happens to us after we get something we want-we usually get things we want after we choose to be happy.
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